Wednesday 15 January 2020

infertility in women

सभी शुद्ध शक्तिवर्धक जड़ी बूटी और पाउडर खरीदने के लिए log on करें

 women suffering from infertility problems should take a balanced diet to get proper nutrition. There are different causes  of infertility in women and it is seen that in some cases even dietary changes can help to improve the sexual functions in women.women should avoid eating too much fried and junk food as it may cause indigestion and harmonal problems .

women  should increase the intake of fruits and vegetables as they consist of vitamins and minerals that improves the immunity of the body .   women should do regular exercise to remain fit and healthy. women with infertility problems should  remain away from excessive use of tea and  alcohol.

Home Remedies

Jamun Seeds  : Jamun seeds are found to be  effective for the treatment of infertility. you can take one spoon Jamun seeds powder every morning.

Banyan roots  : Banyan tree roots are also helpful for the treatment of infertility. when your periods get over then take one tea  spoon of this powder with milk to get quick result.

Winter Cherry : Winter Cherry is other important herb used for female infertility .take one tea spoon of this powder after your periods get over with milk to get best result.

How Herbs Help to Increase Fertility?

Herbs act as supplements to a healthy diet to help boost your body’s regular functioning. Some herbs help detoxify the body, others work to modulate the immune system (which could falsely identify a foetus as an external threat and prevent pregnancy), and more others help to stimulate the endocrine system which regulates hormone production (fertility is largely dependent on sex hormones).

                                  Fertility Herbs
Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh is indigenous to North America. It is known to have been used as pain relief medication for hundreds of years. Its use in relation to ‘fertility’ is in the regularisation of periods. Its diuretic properties help bring on menstruation if it is late. It also effectively soothes menstrual pain, uterine irritability, ovarian pain, premenstrual migraine and also aids in the healing of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and endometriosis.


Liquorice root extract can be bought as a tincture, or the root itself can be used to make a decoction. Its action with regard to fertility is twofold.It helps detoxify and repair the liver, support the endocrine system and modulate the immune system. All three of these functions contribute to better overall hormonal health.It is a phytoestrogen, i.e., while it is not produced by the body, it acts as oestrogen does. Phytoestrogen binds to oestrogen receptor sites, and so blocks these sites being bound by xenohormones. (Xenohormones are foreign molecules that bind to hormone receptors and hamper the health of the body.)
Liquorice also helps balance blood sugar levels, acts as anti-inflammatory, aids digestion and helps cervical mucus production. When taking liquorice, always stick to the recommended dosage. Do not consume in large quantities.


The Ashwagandha powder helps bolster your body’s ability to deal with stress, supports the endocrine system and helps normalise the immune system – all of which, if impaired, could lead to fertility issues. Stress-induced infertility in men can also be combated with Ashwagandha. Avoid excessive use during pregnancy.


 Shatavari has been traditionally used as herbal treatment for infertility in India for centuries. Its action in boosting fertility is the result of its many beneficial effects. It modulates the immune system, helps combat stress, increases cervical mucus and regulates the menstrual cycle.

 Dong Quai

Dong Quai is a powerful fertility herb and has been in use since ancient times. Its area of influence includes the treatment of menstrual irregularities and as an aid to uterus health (muscle health). It helps alleviate delayed menstruation, short menstruation with cramps, light menstruation and stagnant conditions by promoting blood flow in the pelvic region. It is taken in tincture form.
Man’s relation to herbs is one that has spanned millennia. They were our first medicine, and remain to this day, effective and non-toxic.

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