Thursday 2 January 2020

herbs for women health

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                                                         Herbs For Women Health

Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), also know as Indian madder, is an ayurvedic tonic herb that has been prized for centuries for its long list of benefits and uses. This bitter, astringent herb was traditionally used and valued for it extreme effectiveness in cleansing and purifying the blood, liver, and lymphatic system. But it doesn’t end there. Manjistha is a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. It has been used as a muscle relaxant; to ease stress, anxiety and depression; heal bruises and reduce arthritic pain and swelling; and relieve digestive issues, allergies and skin-related issues, such as acne. It enhances circulation, helps to process and remove toxins from the body, and has even been used to dissolve tumors. Overall it is a powerful immune stimulant that deserves a place in your herbal medicine cabinetManjistha is the blood and lymph’s maintainer of health, keeping the pathways open by eliminating natural toxins and removing excess heat from all tissues of the body.
The purifying nature of manjistha imparts a bright and clear complexion, relief to occasional itchiness, less heat in the body, support for the proper functioning of the liver and kidneys, elimination of natural toxins, and overall support for energy and health.By keeping the blood and lymph clean all other tissues benefit, including muscles, bones and joints, the nervous system and immune system, and the reproductive tissues.


Shatavari, or Asparagus racemosus, has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to support the reproductive system, particularly for females, and as a support for the digestive system, especially in cases of excess pitta.

Benefits of Shatavari for women

The nourishing properties of Shatavari are used traditionally to support a number of systems and functions in the body.
A healthy female reproductive system.
Healthy levels of breast milk production.
Supports already balanced female hormones.
Supportive of male reproductive system as well
Soothing effect on the digestive tract.
Healthy peristalsis of bowels.
Moisturizing support of the respiratory tract.
Promotes healthy energy levels and strength.
Supports the immune system.


Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, is a nature’s gift to mankind. Commonly used in Ayurvedic medicines, this herb has been proven to boast medicinal studies by recent studies
Such studies have also indicated that it is a magical herb for women of all ages and the benefits of ashwagandha for women are plenty. When consumed regularly, it can have a positive effect on physical and mental health.              
1.Ashwagandha is a stress buster

If you are living a stressful life, this Ayurvedic herb can help.When you are under stress, your body generates Cortisol, the stress hormone. Higher amount of Cortisol in your blood can cause muscle loss and weakness. It can also promote the onset of wrinkles and cognitive impairment; two biggest factors that lead to aging. Ashwagandha minimises the secretion of Cortisol, thereby helping you stay stress free. It can also delay the onset of aging. This should explain why it's called  a magical herb for women.

 It prevents menopause-related issues: 

During menopause, your body experiences hormonal imbalances, which may cause hot flashes, anxiety, depression, sleeping trouble, etc. Ashwagandha is found to be the best way to deal with these issues.It works on the endocrine system and helps normalise the secretion of hormone, thereby alleviating these symptoms. If you are about to reach your menopause, you must start consuming this herb on a regular basis.


Supports the optimal production of breast milk.

Fenugreek seeds support the optimal production of breast milk, and they are also used to help maintain healthy blood sugar metabolism. The seeds smell faintly of maple syrup, and they are often used in maple-flavored foods. A plant that's indigenous to the Mediterranean, Fenugreek's seeds are nutritious sources of B vitamins, vitamin C and beta carotene. The Latin name (Trigonella foenum-graecum) for Fenugreek means Greek hay, as it is frequently used to add nutrition to cattle feed.

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