Friday 17 January 2020

Health Benefits Of Pippali Or Long Pepper

सभी शुद्ध शक्तिवर्धक जड़ी बूटी और पाउडर खरीदने के लिए log on करें

             Health Benefits Of Pippali Or Long Pepper 

Long pepper or pippali has health benefits you wouldn't expect. From boosting a sluggish metabolism, aiding digestion, and lowering lipid levels in the body to treating respiratory problems, soothing fevers, and even helping with tuberculosis treatment. Pippali is most renowned for its effectiveness against conditions affecting your respiratory tract, like colds, coughs, bronchitis, and asthma. It serves as a counter-irritant and eases inflammation. It is even used in treating bronchial asthma in children.  Pippali not only helps fight infections by virtue of its antibacterial properties but also works locally to help thin phlegm and ease congestion.  Long pepper is also used to treat chronic fevers due to its antipyretic propertie . 

You could have a soothing cup of ginger tea made with a quarter teaspoon of pippali churna or powder. Add tulsi and honey to amp the power of the tea. Drink this twice or thrice a day to soothe your cough, flu, or fever. 

. Pippali is also said to help improve lung strength, detoxify the lungs, and improve their health in general.

 Pippali can also help those suffering from asthma, helping reduce not only the intensity of an attack but even the frequency of occurrence.  

Fights Insomnia Powdered pippali is given along with honey as a remedy for sleeping problems like insomnia, also known as "anidra" in ayurveda. You could also take it with milk at bedtime to help you sleep better.

 If you have digestive problems like flatulence and heartburn or are experiencing a dulled appetite, pippali can help. It stimulates your digestive system and boosts your appetite due to its carminative properties. It can also fight and protect against ulcers thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

  Piperine has the potential to protect your liver, restricting fibrosis and improving regeneration.  

 It may protect against liver and kidney damage that are typical complications of diabetes.  It also corrects cholesterol abnormalities that diabetics are prone to, making it a promising antidiabetic remedy.
 Fights Insomnia Powdered pippali is given along with honey as a remedy for sleeping problems like insomnia, also known as "anidra" in ayurveda. You could also take it with milk at bedtime to help you sleep better.

Long pepper has strong antioxidant activity which helps counter the free radical damage that's responsible for aging-related diseases like Alzheimer's disease (AD).

Pippali also has pain-relieving properties when used as a topical treatment. It can help with inflammation as well as muscular pain.

 Improves Effectiveness Of Tuberculosis Treatment

One appetite-boosting, detoxifying remedy for tuberculosis combines one-eighth of a teaspoon of pippali churna with a quarter teaspoon each of anti-inflammatory turmeric and appetite-stimulant ginger in a quarter cup of warm water, with a spoon of honey to sweeten it. This drink can be had twice a day - once when you wake up and later in the afternoon or as suggested by your ayurvedic doctor.

Just as important, it is also known to help rejuvenate your lungs.

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