Wednesday, 29 September 2021


Have you heard of 'Paneer Ke Phool'? It is also called Paneer Doda. This is not cheese, which is made from milk. Rather, this cheese is a kind of plant, whose flower has miraculous medicinal properties. These paneer flowers are the most effective Ayurvedic treatment for diabetics. Diabetes has become such a disease today, due to which most of the people in the world are troubled.


Paneer Doda is a flower of the Solanaceae family that is found mainly in India and is used in many Ayurvedic medicines. It is sweet to eat and has sedative and diuretic properties. Apart from this, it is helpful in fighting insomnia, nervousness, asthma and diabetes.


Due to the increase in the amount of sugar in the blood of a person with diabetes, he starts having many problems. But with the use of paneer Doda, glucose (blood sugar) dissolved in the blood can be controlled easily.


It is a herb that is used for diabetes management. It not only regulates the amount of insulin in our body but also repairs the beta cells of our pancreas which are the producers of insulin.


Apart from controlling diabetes, paneer doda is also beneficial in many other diseases. This flower is a problem of sleeplessness, asthma and diuretic. Let us tell you the benefits of paneer doda and the right way to use it in controlling diabetes.


Paneer Doda is an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes patients. Actually, by consuming paneer doda, the body is able to make better use of insulin, due to which the process of dissolving sugar in the blood slows down.


Read More- Top 5 Benefits of IndianJadiBooti’s Manjistha

Tuesday, 28 September 2021


Manjistha (Rubia Cordifolia or Manjistha plant) is a herb that is used in Ayurveda as healing medicine for a variety of ailments. The root, stem, fruit and leaf of Manjistha or Madjith are used for medicine. Manjistha works as a treatment for beauty related problems, female related physical problems, as well as helps in getting relief from various diseases.



1. Beneficial for hair

Nowadays everyone is facing such problems related to hair. The use of Manjistha is very beneficial for hair. By making a decoction of the root of Manjistha and washing the hair with it, hair fall and hair fall starts decreasing.


2. Get rid of Pigments

Scars on the face spoil the beauty of the face. In such a situation, the use of Manjistha can prove to be very beneficial because it has the property of planting, which helps in enhancing beauty by removing these stains from your face.


3. Helps indigestion

The cause of diarrhoea is believed to be poor digestion. In such a situation, the fire slows down due to which the excretory part comes out of the body in excessive quantity in the form of water. Manjistha, due to its Dipanna, Digestive and Warm properties, intensifies the fire and heals the digestion, due to which the stool comes in normal form and comes out from the body in proper quantity.


4. Immunity Booster

Manjistha has warm and sweet properties, due to which it makes the fire healthy and keeps digestion strong. Due to proper running of this process, strength comes in the body, which helps in improving the immunity of the body.


5. Treats fever

Manjistha is also used to relieve the symptoms of fever as this condition occurs due to the increase of pitta and it also weakens the digestion due to which mango is produced in the body.



Monday, 27 September 2021

Top 5 Benefits of Chamomile Flower

बबूने का फूल (Chamomile) चाय के कप में डालकर पिएं, हमेंशा रहेगे जवान और बढ़ जाएगी उम्र




कैमोमाइल एक प्राचीन पौधा है, जिसका कई औषधीय उपचारों में इस्तेमाल होता है


अमेरिका में हुए एक सर्च में देखा गया है कि कैमोमाइल के नियमित सेवन से असमय मृत्यु का खतरा कम होता है.  कैमोमाइल का सेवन हाइपरग्लिकेमिया, पेट की गड़बड़ी, मोटापे की समस्या और घबराहट की बीमारी के उपचार में मददगार है. कैमोमाइल को कारगर कोलेस्ट्रॉल नियंत्रक, एंटीऑक्सीडेंट, एंटीमाइक्रोबॉयल, एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी और एंटी प्लेटलेट भी माना जाता है. कैमोमाइल मूल रूप से एक जड़ी बूटी है , कैमोमाइल टी सबसे हेल्दी ड्रिंक में से एक है. इस हर्बल टी को दिल की सेहत के लिए काफी अच्छा माना जाता है.   कैमोमाइल एक हर्बल टी है जो काफी लोकप्रिय भी है.

इस टी को कैमोमाइल नामक फूलों की मदद से बनाया जाता है. कैमोमाइल टी में शक्तिशाली एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट पाए जाते हैं. इसमें कैफीन नहीं होता. इसका स्वाद हल्का मीठा होता है. कैमोमाइल टी में एंटीइंफ्लेमेटरी और फ्लेवोनोइड नामक तत्व पाया जाता है. कैमोमाइल टी के सेवन से कई स्वास्थ्य संबंधी समस्याओं को दूर करने में मदद मिल सकती है. कैमोमाइल टी को दिल की सेहत के लिए अच्छा माना जाता है. इतना ही नहीं इसके सेवन से डायबिटीज को भी कंट्रोल किया जा सकता है.



कैमोमाइल टी शरीर में इंसुलिन का स्तर बनाए रखने में मदद करती है, जिससे ब्लड शुगर लेवल को नियंत्रित करने में मदद मिल सकती है. ये शरीर में शुगर के लेवल को कंट्रोल कर डायबिटीज के खतरे से भी बचाने में मदद कर सकती है.

कैमोमाइल टी के सेवन से हार्ट को हेल्दी रखा जा सकता है. कैलोमाइल टी ब्लड में शुगर के स्तर और खराब कोलेस्ट्रोल को कम करने में मदद करती है, जिससे हार्ट को हेल्दी रखने में मदद मिल सकती है. 



कैमोमाइल टी में एंटीइन्फ्लेमेटरी के गुण पाए जाते हैं, जो स्किन को हेल्दी रखने और बैक्टीरियल संक्रमण से बचाने में भी मदद कर सकती है. कैमोमाइल टी के सेवन से स्किन पर किसी भी वजह से हुई सूजन को कम करने में मदद मिल सकती है. 


कैमोमाइल टी को पेट के लिए काफी अच्छा माना जाता है. कैमोमाइल टी पेट में अल्सर फैलाने वाले हेलिकोबैक्टर पाइलोरी नामक बैक्टीरिया को भी पनपने से रोकती है, जिससे अल्सर होने का खतरा कम हो सकता है. 

Friday, 24 September 2021

How to make Herbal Triphala Face Mask for healthy skin-Beauty

Every Girl dreams of Glowing, healthy skin. But the current work schedules does not let us breath properly, forget about taking good care of our Skin, or going to Spa or a Beauty Salon. Now, after watching this video, we guarantee that you are going to forget all your skin woes, be it dryness, rough skin, Acne or any other issue. This simple formula going to change your life forever. Here, in this video we will tell you how to make a Herbal Face Mask at home. Using it once in a week is enough to solve all your skin issues.

Thursday, 23 September 2021


Next, we are telling you about the properties of Nagbala, first, we know what is Nagbala and how can you identify it. During the rainy season, this plant grows on its own on the ridges on the banks of the fields. This bushy plant is spread like a snake on the ground, that is why it is called Nagbala. The roots and stem of this plant are very strong and they do not break easily.


1. Helps in Cough

People often suffer from the cold due to changes in weather or after consuming cold things. With the help of some home remedies mentioned in Ayurveda, you can get relief from the cold. With the help of  IndianJadiBooti’s Nagbala, you can also get relief from cold and flu. For this, put the juice of the leaves of Nagbala in the nose and consume its leaves.


2. Helpful in Diarrhea

If you are troubled by diarrhea then use Nagbala, it is effective in stopping diarrhea. According to experts, the powder of the fruit and root of Nagbala should be consumed in case of diarrhea. Its consumption also provides relief in dysentery.


3. Relief from Breast Pain

Warming the leaves of Nagbala, placing it on the breasts or tying it there provides relief from pain in the breasts. If the pain in the breasts is too much, then go to the nearest doctor and get yourself examined.


4. Helpful for Heart Patients

IndianJadiBooti’s Nagbala is very useful for patients with heart diseases. According to experts, if you consume 3-5 grams powder of Nagbala root daily with dough, then it reduces the symptoms of heart diseases. Consuming it for a month removes the weakness of the body.


5. Bleeding from the Nose and Ears

In the summer season, many people start having the problem of bleeding from the nose and ears. This problem is called Rakta Pitta in Ayurveda. You can use Nagbala for its treatment. Taking Nagbala powder mixed with honey cures this problem.


Akarkara is a perennial herb that grows in the Himalayan region. The roots of this plant are slightly aromatic and have a pungent taste. Akarkara is generally used to manage pain and inflammation related to arthritis due to its antioxidant property. It is also beneficial for indigestion as it stimulates the secretion of saliva as well as  digestive enzymes needed for digestion. Akarkara improves sexual desire as well as sexual performance of men by maintaining the testosterone levels due to its aphrodisiac property. It might also be helpful in detoxification of the body as it increases urination due to its diuretic activity. It also helps improve brain function due to its memory-enhancing and antidepressant activity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

● What are the benefits of Akarkara for impotency & Erectile dysfunction? -  It stimulates the secretion of testosterone which improves blood flow to the male sex organ, helps to maintain erection and enhances sperm production. Thus increasing the sexual desire and overall sexual performance[12]. Ayurvedic oils prepared with Akarkara improves sexual performance when used externally.

● What are the benefits of Akarkara for toothache?

-  Akarkara helps to reduce toothache when its powder form is rubbed on the gums and teeth. According to Ayurveda, the mouth acts as the seat of Kapha dosha and an imbalance in Kapha dosha might lead to several dental problems like toothache. Akarkara helps to manage toothache due to its Kapha balancing nature. ● What are the benefits of Akarkara for Arthritis? - Akarkara is rich in antioxidants and is useful in improving blood circulation it is useful to manage pain in arthritis. According to Ayurveda, arthritis occurs due to an aggravation of Vata dosha. It causes pain, swelling and joint immobility. Akarkara has Vata balancing property and gives relief from the symptoms of arthritis-like pain and swelling in. the joints. ● RECOMMENDED DOSAGE OF AKARKARA

Akarkara Powder - 2-4 pinches once or twice a day.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021


Pashanbhed is a plant used as a herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Pashanbhed literally means breaking stones and this is the main quality of this medicine. The main use of stone is used in the treatment of stones. This herb has such medicinal properties that it helps in breaking the stone into small pieces and removing it from the urinary tract.



1. Benefit for eye disease disorder

Pashanbhed is also very useful in the treatment of diseases related to the eyes. For this, grind the leaves of stone and apply it around the outside of the eyes. By applying, it is beneficial in Abhishyanda (problem of burning and watery eyes).


2. Relief from ear pain

If you are troubled by ear pain, then you can get relief from pain by using Pashanbheda. For this, put one or two drops of the juice of the leaves of the stone in the ear, it provides quick relief from pain.


3. Use for Cough

If you are troubled by cough then use Pashanbhed. Take 1-2 grams powder of the root of stone for cough and eat it with honey. Its consumption provides relief from cough as well as diseases related to the lungs.


4. Heals wound

By applying the juice of the stem of the stone on the wound, the wound heals quickly. Apart from this, by applying the paste of the root of the stone, the wounds heal quickly and the burning sensation is reduced.


5. Treats Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are a common problem. For this, allopathy medicine should not be taken immediately, but try to cure it with home remedies. Chew the fresh roots and leaves of the stone in case of mouth ulcers. With this, mouth ulcers get cured quickly.

Friday, 17 September 2021

How to make Herbal Hair Mask for Glossy , Thick and Silky Hairs - Beauty...

Every Girl dreams of Beautiful, Long and Shiny Hairs. But the current work schedules does not let us breath properly, forget about taking good care of our Hair, or going to Spa or a Beauty Saloon. Now, after watching this video, we guarantee that you are going to forget all your hair woes, be it dandruff, hair fall, rough hair, split hair or any other issue. This simple formula going to change your life forever. Here, in this video we will tell you how to make a Herbal Hair Mask at home. Using it thrice a day, or once in a week is enough to solve all your here issues.

Thursday, 16 September 2021


Haritaki or Kadukka podi is one of the three fruits of Triphala. Haritaki is used a lot in Ayurveda for medicine. Haritaki is very beneficial not only for medicine but also for health and beauty. The fruit, root and bark of Haritaki are all used.


1. Beneficial for Eye Diseases

Often working on the computer throughout the day causes problems like burning and pain in the eyes. Using this way every day gives relief to the eyes. Washing the eyes after soaking the Harad in water overnight, filtering the water in the morning gives coolness to the eyes and provides relief from eye diseases.


2. Relief from cold

Whenever the weather changes, everyone starts having problems due to cold. Haritaki is very beneficial in cold. Using IndianJadiBooti’s haritaki in Pratishyaya or cold provides relief from headache.


3. Helps in Digestion

If there is no digestion after eating food or if there is a problem of acidity etc., then consuming haritaki in this way gives benefits (harad ke interactions). Mixing equal quantity of sugar candy in 3-6 grams of haritaki powder and taking it after meals in the morning and evening increases digestion power. To get the benefits of haritaki churna, the amount of intake should be right.


4. Heals Wound

If the wound is drying, then the use of IndianJadiBooti’s haritaki is very beneficial. Washing the wound with haritaki decoction heals quickly.


5. Helps in Skin Diseases

Haritaki is beneficial for skin problems. Planting in skin related problems i.e. healing property is found, for this, the paste of haritaki is applied on the wound, due to which the wound starts healing quickly. According to Ayurveda, Haritaki also has varnya quality which helps in keeping the skin healthy.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

How to make Gond Laddu | Panjeeri Ladoo : Desserts Recipe :

We all know that Babool Gond, also known as Gum Kikar is a miraculour herb, and there are numerous benefits of it. Here we bring you the Gond Laddu - Panjeeri Ladoo recipe, the one that will satisfy your taste buds along with fulfilling all your health needs. So lets not keep you waiting, and lets watch.

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

How to make Ashwagandha Nut Butter Laddu - Desserts Recipe -

We all know that Ashwagandha is a miraculour herb, and there are numerous benefits of it. But due to its taste, its not so easy to eat. Here we bring you the Ashwagandha Laddus recipe, the one that will satisfy your taste buds along with fulfilling all your health needs. So lets not keep you waiting, and lets watch

Tuesday, 7 September 2021


During the Corona period, when lakhs of people had to deal with the acute shortage of beds and oxygen in hospitals, Ayurvedic herbs came into the limelight at that time. As you all know that in recent times, lakhs of people have been cured of covid by sitting at home through home remedies of Ayurveda. Two things have been seen very well in Kovid. The first is that in this era people have started paying attention to their health and the second thing is that now everyone's interest in Ayurveda has started increasing.


1. Beneficial for Eyes

Consuming a mixture of equal parts of Baheda and Khand in the eye light increases the light of the eyes. In eye pain, applying the bark of Bahera with honey ends eye pain.


2. Cough relief

When coughing, keeping the peel of fenugreek in the mouth and sucking it ends cough. And the phlegm comes out. Cooking after adding Adusa, black salt and Beheda to goat's milk, it ends dry and dry cough quickly.


3. Strengthen Body

Make the body strong Baheda, it is a good source of calcium and is very beneficial for bone strength, mix one spoonful of gooseberry juice with one spoonful of Bahera's bark powder and consume it, which will make your body strong and also removes bone weakness.


4. Reduces Hair Fall

Reduce hair fall, the problem of hair loss has become common in today's time. Your hair fall will stop, for better results use it thrice a week.


5. Helps in Digestion

Due to the hot properties found in Baheda, it also helps in increasing the digestive power by intensifying the fire.

How to make Almond and Chia energy balls

Monday, 6 September 2021

Herbal Deserts Recipe - How to make Ashwagandha Nut Butter Laddu


India is a country of many types of medicines and herbs. One of them is the seeds of Kaunch. It is possible that many people have never heard much about kaunch seeds before.

For years its leaves, seeds and roots are being used to make medicine in Ayurveda. If the question comes to mind that what are the benefits of Kaunch seeds, then after reading this article you can get the answer.


1. Helps in Good Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential for everyone. If sleep is not complete, then not only physical but also mental problems can occur. In such a situation, Kaunch seed can also be beneficial for sleep-related problems.


2. Beneficial in Diabetes

Talking about the benefits of Kaunch seeds, they can also be beneficial for diabetes. According to a study done on rats, IndianJadiBooti’s kaunch seeds, which have been used for the treatment of diabetes for years, maybe beneficial. It can act as an antidiabetic agent.


3. Helps in Depression

In today's time, people face problems like changes in mood and lack of concentration. These can be symptoms of depression. In such a situation, it is important to pay attention to it in time. Kaunch seeds can also be beneficial for problems like depression.


4. Removes Body Pain

Due to today's lifestyle and hectic routine, many people complain of pain in the body. If there is a problem of pain in the body or in the back, then it becomes difficult to do everyday tasks. At the same time, frequent use of painkillers is also not right. In such a situation, Ayurvedic medicines and natural remedies can prove to be beneficial. IndianJadiBooti’s Kaunch is also one of such Ayurvedic medicines.


5. Helps in losing weight

Nowadays almost every other person is troubled by the problem of weight gain or obesity. This problem is common due to poor lifestyle and wrong diet. In this situation, the right diet and exercise are necessary, but if Kaunch is consumed together, then it can be beneficial in reducing weight.